For the record, the India of today has a population problem, or a demographic nightmare, as some would call it. There are too many mouths to feed and a shortage of jobs, leading to an overwhelming unemployment crisis. Governments have been trying to address this for quite some time. This task has become much more difficult with the rise of AI. By the way, the birthrate in India is different between urban and rural families. Families living in big cities restrict themselves to at most 2 kids, even with both working parents; the scene is quite different in the countryside. In villages, having more than 2 kids and large joint families is still quite common. Again, this varies depending on the individual's religion. There is no one-size-fits-all statistic here. Sampling sizes and techniques sometimes could be misleading. I concur that the birthrate has decreased in the past ten years or so. This is not an immediate problem worth spending time on. Before India goes extinct, we have to solve the employment problem, the pollution problem, the food shortage problem, the soil problem—most of these will hit humanity long before any country goes extinct!