Oh !! Yes Mexico!! This is the new argument I am hearing across the spectrum of NATO bashers
and Russia conspiracy theorists about how NATO (the bully) is trying to encircle poor nuclear Russia by surrounding them!!
Please note in the analogy used here -> The US is NOT trying to bomb Mexico while claiming that its English speaking people who are living in San Miguel are being discriminated against. The US has not invaded or encircled any city of Mexico stating that - "they're stealing our jobs"!! "They're crossing our borders illeagally" (although we have heard this kind of rhetoric before). Of course there is a wall, but at least its demoratic way of keeping people out. One does not attack a state and state that - you're doing it to free English speaking peoples!!
The key point here is that everyone thinks that Ukraine has to consider Russia's likes and dislikes. Let me remind you that it was the Russians who poisoned Viktor Yushchenko(former Ukraine President) since he was pro-western. So it seems that Ruussia gets a free hand with deciding Ukraine leaders and no one else can. If Ukraine has a coup (its undemocratic), if Ukraine is attacked and NATO helps - then NATO is surrounding them. For Ukraine - its heads you win, tails I loose anyway you see it.